You might run into Z-wave-related errors when setting up or migrating to Homey Pro (Early 2023). Here, we will explain the meaning of the errors and the options available to fix them.
The error "TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL" can be seen when Homey Pro is trying to send a Z-Wave message, but too many messages are already being sent by other devices. Before sending a message, Homey Pro monitors the surrounding interference. Once the interference is sufficiently low, it sends the message. This increases the chances that the receiving device receives this message.
However, this safeguard can obstruct regular operations. This is the case when devices included in the network send a lot of messages. This can be identified in two ways. The first way is a notification in the timeline, as seen below.
The second way is by looking at the Homey Developer Tools. Devices with an exceedingly high amount of messages sent ("Rx" column) compared to other devices can be the culprits. These are often devices with sensor capabilities.
The following steps can be taken to reduce or remove this error.
1. Locate Reporting Thresholds
Check the device's advanced settings and locate any reporting thresholds or intervals. Change all these values. Save. Next, change them back to the original value and save them again. This causes all values to be sent to the device again.
2. Disable Periodic Reporting
Disable any periodic reporting and set the device to use a reporting threshold. This causes the device to send only when the values change.
3. Increase Reporting Interval
Increase any reporting interval possible to at least 60 seconds.
4. Disable Reports
Disable any reports you don't need.
5. Repair Device
If the error persists, try to repair the device. This might solve any configuration issue. If the device is secure (S2), try turning off security.
6. Check Interference
Check that no other devices are interfering with your Z-Wave frequency. Think of thermostats, fire systems, burglar systems, and DIN transceivers.
7. Relocate Your Homey Pro
Move Homey Pro to a more central location in the house to limit network traffic by minimizing the amount of "hops" messages needed to reach Homey Pro.
8. Restart Homey Pro
If you can't change the device's advanced settings due to interference, turn off other interfering devices. Move closer to the target device or restart your Homey Pro to increase your chances of success.
The device did not respond to the sent command.
1. Resolve Other Errors First
If you often get "TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL" errors, there is a chance that your Homey Pro was able to send the command, but the device could not respond due to interference. Try to resolve the "TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_FAIL" error first by following the instructions above.
2. Check Batteries
Check the device's batteries to see if it is a battery-powered device. Otherwise, check if the device is still plugged in.
3. Move Device Closer
Move the device closer to your Homey Pro and try to send the command again. If this works, you might need a router node to operate the device in its original location.
4. Homey Developer Tools
Head over to the Homey Developer Tools and try to heal all Z-Wave devices physically between Homey and the device that is not responding to try and force a route.
This error should not occur anymore since firmware version 10.0.3. Please update your Homey Pro to the latest version. Contact support if the error persists.